Carl Martin Johnson
Poet, Author, Slayer of Dragons
LOVE SONG Poetry -- "Men and Women in Lust and Love - Poems of Love, Lust, Romance, and Heartbreak"
© Carl Martin Johnson, All rights reserved
By Carl Martin Johnson
I’ve forever lost my heart
To a woman I don’t know.
She passed me in the park
Several days ago.
Our eyes met and locked.
The universe held its breath.
My whole world was rocked.
I knew I’d love her until death.
She had a pretty face, I think,
But it was our eyes that spoke.
They moved our souls to spin in sync,
Wrapped in true love’s cloak.
In that brief moment I lived a life,
A life in all complete.
I was her man, she was my wife,
Although we’d yet to meet.
The instant passed and she was gone,
As if she’d never been there.
I raced around, but she’d moved on.
I cursed the gods in despair.
Now I wait for her to reappear,
Each day in this same spot.
To those around it must seem queer.
Yet, God help me, it’s all I’ve got.
I could perhaps grow old and die
Without ever knowing my love’s name.
I will not whine, I will not cry.
For into my life true love came.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Our love is a sweet sin.
Forbidden but exciting.
Hotter passion has never been
Than from the flame we are igniting.
We share its heat in hidden places,
Our bodies burning in the night.
Lighting the dark with our embraces.
Intertwined and glowing bright.
We lie naked in caressing moonbeams,
In the soft grass wet with dew,
Acting out illicit schemes.
The world is only just we two
It would go hard should we be found,
For neither one of us is free.
Yet our souls are by love bound.
I am you and you are me.
Forbidden fruit has the sweetest taste.
Taboo lust stokes hot the fire.
Not a moment do we waste
In satisfying our desire.
Should Paradise we be denied,
We have our Heaven here.
And all the stolen nights we lied,
We will hold forever dear.
By Carl Martin Johnson
When I saw her last she was crying,
The needle stuck deep in her arm.
Suicide, perhaps not by trying.
The poison doing its vicious harm.
I left feeling angry and hurt.
Satan’s nectar had won her from me.
She was dragging us both through the dirt.
There was no future for us I could see.
For many days I stayed away.
When I returned, she’d disappeared.
I should have known she would stray.
But it was much worse than I feared.
An evil man took her in.
He had a house on the wild side of town.
Where men celebrated sin.
Where many dark pleasures were found.
For the poppy’s candy she submitted
To every imaginable desire.
No matter the extreme vice committed,
She was tamed by heroin’s fire.
Each waking moment I was tormented
By visions of her degrading abuse.
I grew nearly demented.
My mind would grant me no truce.
Today I will be a man.
I will enter Lucifer’s den.
I will find her if I can,
And bring her home again.
The man-demon I will kill,
Who lured my sweet love so low,
He will do, by God, no more ill!
By my hand to Hell he will go!
By Carl Martin Johnson
I want to know your flavor,
Explore your lovely taste.
Every part of you I’ll savor.
None of you will I waste.
Your delicate aroma delights me,
And the nose leads to the tongue.
Your tangy spice incites me
To know all parts of you unsung.
My lover’s palate you will please
With your erotic seasoning,
And will my taste buds tease
With essences beyond reasoning.
When you feel my loving bites,
They will give not pain, but pleasure.
In the perfume of our nights,
Your taste is what I’ll treasure.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Your soul made love with mine last night.
When it came I was sleeping.
It kissed me long and held me tight
In the place where dreams are keeping.
It’s beauty took my breath.
It was you, but even more.
Above this life, but beyond death.
You must have come through Heaven’s Door.
Tell me how you found me.
Did your soul fly from your dream?
What gave you power to thus woo me?
Did you ride a stray moonbeam?
Where are we when our two ghosts meet?
Is it this world, or one our own?
A garden our love makes complete?
Where pleasure’s fruit is all that’s grown?
Our love bridges time and distance,
The attraction is so strong.
Apart we have no existence,
Only united can we sing Life’s song.
Though our two bodies, yours and mine,
Be parted by land or sea,
Our souls in passion will intertwine
In rapture for eternity.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I licked the long curve of your spine,
Feasting on your earthy taste,
Thanking the gods that you were mine,
Watching the wet trail my tongue traced.
I grew hungry for your hips,
In the moonlight soft and round.
I explored them with my lips,
Savoring the fleshy flavor that I found.
Then I spread myself upon you,
Sweet mattress of desire,
My cravings feeding on you,
Hot from the oven of erotic fire.
Like a stallion, your neck I bit.
As that wild horse I rode you,
Convulsing in love-making fit,
With your hair as reins I bowed you.
We bound through sweet ecstasy’s gate,
I mounted on you, my galloping mare,
Hooves flaring with loving hate,
Bellowing loud brute passion’s prayer.
In a cloud of carnal dust
I blessed the long curve of your spine.
And the banquet of animal lust
With our true love as its wine.
By Carl Martin Johnson
A curl of gray fell over her eye.
A stiff finger pulled it back.
She breathed to herself a quiet sigh.
Gone was its lustrous black
She passed a young man on the street.
He smiled as she walked by.
Her eyes twinkled at the gesture sweet.
It made her old heart fly.
It sparked a memory in her mind.
A man who had owned her heart.
A man that she had left behind.
An act that had torn her apart.
It had taken years for the wound to heal.
Oceans of tears she’d cried.
She thought she would never again love feel.
She had not even tried.
Then a miracle had found her.
A man like none before him.
When he put his arms around her.
She could not help but adore him.
He loved her for her beauty,
Especially that inside.
Loving him was pleasure, not duty.
She was his fervently willing bride.
When she saw a young man smile,
She would call his face to mind,
Remembering that,for a while,
Life had, at last, been kind.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Come dine with me.
Let us sample life’s fare.
Eat up! It’s free
We can gorge without care.
Devour it all, there is no fault
Love, hate, fire and ice
Feasting together, I’ll bring the salt
You bring the spice.
By Carl Martin Johnson
He was a man of gentle temper
Until they took his wife away.
They said she stole a loaf of bread
On the eve of Crispin’s Day.
The constables came and beat her.
He fought, but to no avail.
Then they put her on a prison ship
Bound for New South Wales.
He watched the vessel sail.
He saw his love in chains.
Had he owned a pistol,
He would have blown out his brains.
He walked slowly back to London,
Keeping all his pain inside.
He had lost the will to live.
The spark within had died.
He lay for days on his pauper’s bed,
Seeing dreams that had now gone bad.
Children in a home that would never be.
And he went slowly mad.
Then he slept a dreamless sleep.
When he awoke he had a plan.
It was hard, but short of murder,
He was not a violent man.
He ate a hearty breakfast.
Soon only gruel he would be fed.
And marched down to the criminal court,
Where he hit the magistrate in the head.
He was whipped ‘til death was close.
Incarcerated without bail.
And sentenced to a term of life
In the colony of New South Wales.
The captain thought him quite insane,
For he smiled the long, hard trip.
But the convict was heading for his love
Aboard that dreadful ship.
He would find her in the antipodes,
Where they would build a life,
There, in the sunburnt country,
The convicts, man and wife.
By Carl Martin Johnson
He moved silently in the dark,
He had no need of light.
He swam like a smooth shark
In the cold, black sea of night.
The walls were hung with treasure,
Done by men from ages past.
They had worth of no small measure,
But he was after value far more vast.
The stairway he gently ascended,
Moving fast toward the room.
Softly, for his safety depended
On quiet negotiation of the gloom.
The scent of fresh-cut flowers
Came to guide him on his quest.
He called up all his powers,
That he might pass this test.
He followed sweet perfume
Down the hall and through a door,
Where a garden in full bloom
Reached his heart and made it soar.
From the creamy lunar glow
Which spread soft illumination,
He saw what all must know
Was the Jewel of Creation.
He approached in quiet awe,
Bending low for better view,
Hypnotized by what he saw.
It was too lovely to be true.
Then his target raised her arms
To hold him in love’s embrace.
He surrendered to her charms,
And stole a kiss from her dear face.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Am I alone for good?
To be alone just who I am?
Should that be understood.
Should my heart’s door slam.
In love’s pursuit I’ve lost,
My affection unreturned.
I’ve paid a heavy cost
In torment at being spurned.
Shall I hold myself inside?
Keep secret my desire?
All soft feelings hide?
Smother passion’s fire?
Or more risk shall I take,
Though my heart be broken?
Once more brave for true love’s sake,
Let the words be spoken?
I must risk the sorrow,
For a chance to be complete.
Perhaps I’ll find love tomorrow.
I won’t accept defeat.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I looked deep into the abyss
In search of my lost soul.
I’d been seduced by a demon kiss.
I had let her take control.
She led me to forbidden ecstasy.
Made me beg for more.
Overcame me with erotic supremacy.
Left me exhausted on Hade’s shore.
My heart she chained and broke my will.
My lust conquered my shame.
She showed me every sinful thrill,
Until I burst with damnation’s flame.
Now I fear I will burn forever,
Soullessly blazing in her arms.
I know she will release me never.
I’ll broil eternally in her evil charms.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Tell me if you are leaving,
Though I won’t want you to go.
It will help me through the grieving,
If you’ll gently let me know.
I could swear, but I won’t change,
And you’re the way you are.
We’re both a little strange.
I’m surprised we got this far.
Our love will not be ended
When at last we break apart.
But a coolness has descended,
An ice shield around the heart.
I pray for it to thaw,
To warm to what we had.
I fear it is too late to withdraw
Hurtful words that made us sad.
I pray that I am wrong,
That the spark will come to life,
That love has not sung its final song,
That I have not lost you as my wife.
If you’re just going for a walk,
Okay, I’ll see you later.
But, if this is our last talk,
I wish our love could have been greater.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Slip softly from my arms.
Linger briefly at my fingertips.
Give me a moment with your charms.
Let me brush your crimson lips.
Though you leave my bed,
You are always in my heart.
Through all the day ahead,
I will pray for night to start.
But when you steal away
From your world and back to mine,
You turn night into day.
You bring your own sunshine.
Once again I will caress you,
Light our fire and feel it burn.
With passion I will bless you,
Thanking gods of love for your return.
By Carl Martin Johnson
In the twilight glow I spied you
As you with your lover lay.
The bedsheets did not hide you
While you writhed in lovers’ play.
Once I was your desire.
You said I drove you wild.
We lit the night with passion’s fire.
We were both beguiled.
It was my fault you left.
I was the one untrue.
My sin was a terrible theft.
It stole the love in you.
Now I watch though it gives me pain.
I listen to your love screams.
I stand here in the rain,
Tears washing away my dreams.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I dreamt a dream of our embrace,
Of skin against hot skin,
Of your sweet breath across my face,
As our world began to spin.
Storms of passion burst.
Lightning lit our fire.
Erotic monsoons slaked our thirst.
Thunder beat rhythm to our desire.
Then a wild explosion found us,
Left us lying wet and spent.
With each other’s arms around us,
We were exhausted but content.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Under Passion's sun we'll heal,
Our Hearts will mend back strong.
Never again sadness feel,
Full sweet eternity long.