Carl Martin Johnson
Poet, Author, Slayer of Dragons
“I'm a failed poet. Maybe every novelist wants to write poetry first, finds he can't and then tries the short story which is the most demanding form after poetry. And failing at that, only then does he take up novel writing.” - William Faulkner - (American short-story Writer and Novelist)
Just click on any of my poems below to read them.
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© Carl Martin Johnson, All rights reserved
Paris, 8 January 2015 -
To The Enemies Of The Republic
Past Lovers (Your past will always...)
Past Lovers (All the lovers in your
Price Of A Poor Man's Immortality
Remember Me (When I found him)
Rise Up (Rise up! Rise up singing!)
Rise Up (Venezuelans,rise up singing)
Secret Love (My lovers lips are warm)
Secret Love (My lover is not mine)
Sing Beauty In The Morning Sun
Sing To Me (Sing to me of beauty)
Sing To Me (Sing to me a melody)
Some Days
Some Days The Words Are There
Sorrow (Great sorrow oft will over...)
Sorrow (There’s no word for the...)
Speak Gently To The Night Wind
Stand (Stand....Let no man move you)
Stand (Will good men make a stand)
Stand (If I do not stand and fight)
Starstuff (We are made of starstuff)
Starstuff (Man reaches upward for)
Sweet Lust (Sweet lust oozes o'er)
Sweet Lust (Sweet lust overcame me)
Sweet Silence (I crawl into the silence
Sweet Silence (Sweet Silence, I can)
Taste Me (Taste me, let me feed you)
Taste Me (Taste me, taste my desire)
Tasting Life (Life has different flavors)
Tasting Life (He awoke and tasted life)
This Moment (This moment I am here)
This Moment (I'll hold this moment in..)
This Planet Is My Place Of Birth
To The Islamic State “Caliphate”
To The Woman I Forgot To Tell "I Love
To The Woman Who Took My Youth
Today (Today the dragon I will fight)
Today I Saw The Sun Rise Bright
Today Is All I Own
Today's A Day Of Cheer
Today You I Embrace
Together (Lay your head upon my chest)
Together (At best times we all act tog...)
Touch Me (Touch me. Let your fingertips)
Touch me (Touch me softly with your..)
The Boar (I ride the red-eyed boar)
The Boar (The boar stood silent on the)
The Deaf Boy's Music
The December Woman
The Door (The Path was not well-trod)
The Door (The door was open, I came in)
The Fall (I feel the air rush past)
The Fall (She made sure I'd see her)
The Fire (dedicated to West, TX)
The Fire (Sparks flew up and high)
The Fire (for the anti-communist...)
The Hand (It was only the hand that I..)
The Hand (The old prisoner wiped away)
The Hero (The medal gleamed so)
The House On The Bad Side Of Town
The Memory (The memory shone dim)
The Memory (There's a memory growing)
The Moment (The Moment is what...)
The Moment (This would not come again)
The New Man** [=original version]
The New Man** [=newer version]
The Place Where Souls Are Born
The Poetry Of Your Fingers’ Touch
The Rabbit (The eyes were wide with fear)
The Rabbit (The rabbit looked me in the)
The Rain (The rain slapped me awake)
The Rain (I felt the rain wash over me)
The Reason (I am alive for a reason)
The Reason (Some days I only sit and)
The Scream (It rolled in long notes from)
The Scream (The universe gave out a...)
The Silence (The silence spoke to me)
The Silence (I sit here in the silence)
The Sound Of One Hand Clapping
The Sparkle In the Blind Man's Eyes
The Storm (I defy your fiery spears)
The Storm (Storm looked down upon)
The Sweet Smell Of A Shooting Star
The Tear (The sights lined up, the target)
The Tear (The tear welled slowly in the eye)
The World Twirled On My Finger
The Wrong End Of The Telescope
Waiting (The same table every night)
Waiting (He would wait until the dawn)
Wake Me (Wake me up when it's all done)
Wake Me (Wake me when this life is done)
Waking To Thoughts On John Donne
Warrior Duty (sing to me of the beauty)
Warrior Of The YPG
We Are A Tear From Heaven's Eye
We Are Born With A Seed God-Sown
Weary (I am so tired and weary)
Weary (I am tired….Life is heavy)
Wedding Poem For Christian and Sommer
What Happens To Other Living Things
When Last The Sun He Spoke To Me
When Momma Went Away
When Shall I Take You
Whistle Along This Walk With Me
Who Will Take My Memories
Why (Is there a reason I am here?)
Will Life's Red-Eyed Trials Defeat Me?
Will You Be Here In The Morning
With My Verses I'll Seduce You
Wondering If I Should Carry On
Worlds (Sometimes I look deep inside)
Worlds (This world holds only lightly)
Your Lips (I see the red flesh tremble)
Your Lips (Your lips are succulent berries)