Carl Martin Johnson
Poet, Author, Slayer of Dragons
© Carl Martin Johnson, All rights reserved
By Carl Martin Johnson
Sweet Silence, I can hear you.
Tell me all you know.
I feel Truth is near you.
If I listen, I will grow.
I kiss your soft still lips.
As we touch I’m lost in wonder.
I taste your knowing as it drips.
Unseen lightning, unheard thunder.
By Carl Martin Johnson
He looked over his shoulder
At my torn body in the dirt.
He saw my life-fire smolder.
Knew I’d not survive the hurt.
His bayonet had found me,
Plunged deep into my heart.
I was leaving the world around me.
That journey would soon start.
For an instant in his eye
I saw regret for what he’d done.
But we soldiers do not cry.
Our wars must be won.
By Carl Martin Johnson
It’s better, I think, to be alone,
Than to be with you and lonely.
You are the best love I have known,
But I am not your only.
In another you confide.
He knows secrets kept from me.
The care for him you hide,
Yet the affection I can see.
Still, I will bear the sorrow
As long as my heart can.
I’ll hang on ‘til tomorrow,
Try to forget the other man.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Last night I kissed God’s face
With my full and loving soul.
He returned my warm embrace
And I felt myself grow whole.
Then He breathed me in,
Absorbed me into His Mind.
I felt my life begin
Only when our souls combined.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Can you catch me, Lord?
You’ve bred me as a Man.
The Light I race toward
Shines from your Great Plan.
Have you created me as heir?
Will Mankind so evolve?
Will we surpass your care?
Must we the Riddle solve?
I am speeding, Father, to You.
Catch me as I go past.
Tell me if I outgrew You,
Or if I’m moving far too fast.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Life breathed between my lips.
She did not wish to lose me.
Not yet the Apocalypse.
She did not let the Reaper choose me.
One day will be my turn,
And she will let me go.
Life’s flame will flicker and burn
Then she’ll purse her lips and blow.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Angels have the grace,
But Mankind has the heart.
Angels see God’s face.
Man is of Him a part.
By Carl Martin Johnson
The cold wraps tight around me,
But it cannot reach my heart.
The icy tentacles that have found me
Won’t force Love’s shield apart.
Icy wind slaps my face,
Yet cannot dim my smile.
The thought of your embrace
Will warm me a long while.
My blood is lava flowing.
Winter’s freeze cannot chill it.
Your love will keep it glowing.
No arctic blast can chill it.
It is love that lights Life’s fire.
While it stays so will the flame,
Heating passion and desire.
Love and Life are both the same.
By Carl Martin Johnson
That man dying there
I only met tonight.
He is from the South somewhere.
Seems they always fight.
I’d crawl to him if I could.
Maybe stop his bleeding.
I’m also hit real good.
But I can’t block his pleading.
The look in his wet eyes,
I’ve seen a lot before.
Heard those weakening cries
Calling at Heaven’s Door.
I’ll try to make it to him.
I can’t stand to hear him moan.
I can’t say I knew him,
But I won’t let him die alone.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Life, come now and tempt me.
Let me embrace your fire.
From no sin exempt me.
It’s your lust that I desire.
I seek no wages I’m not due,
No happiness unearned.
Yet for wild romance with you,
I will risk being burned.
Take me in your arms.
Teach me how to live.
Show me your sweet charms.
I want all you have to give.
By Carl Martin Johnson
These are not tears running down my cheek.
I am sure it must be rain.
A sobbing man is shamefully weak,
No matter what the pain.
I am combat hardened,
Accustomed to much death.
My enemies go unpardoned.
I cut off their final breath.
But this battle is one too far.
Piles of dead and dying.
I am sick and tired of war.
It is my soul that is crying.
One day men will kill no more.
That is what I pray.
My bloody actions I abhor.
The scenes won’t go away.
Yet warrior is what I am.
I disdain to weep.
Rain, not tears, by damn.
Although my hurt is deep.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I need no sun to warm me.
I have fire inside.
A great hope to transform me,
To make me satisfied.
I see Mankind as new breed,
Angel cousin, yet new being,
Evolution’s new seed,
Wondrous future I am seeing.
We are growing, but not grown,
Yet I feel the change within.
That will blossom which was sown,
And a new world will begin.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I embrace you, friends,
Each and every one.
And I swear to make amends
For any hurt that I have done.
By Carl Martin Johnson
It’s a good day…I’m alive.
I will grow and I will thrive.
I kiss the Angel of the Dawn
For waking me to carry on.
Today I’ll do a kind thing.
I’ll make a sad heart sing.
When I see a frowning face,
I’ll put a wide smile in its place.
With a plain girl I will flirt,
Making up for others’ hurt.
Let her know I see within
The beauty beneath the skin.
A man homeless on the street,
I’ll befriend and ask to eat.
My affection real, you see,
That man could be me.
When this day is done,
If my goals I’ve won,
I will feel my live has worth,
And there was reason for my birth.