Carl Martin Johnson
Poet, Author, Slayer of Dragons
© Carl Martin Johnson, All rights reserved
By Carl Martin Johnson
Beat! Beat loud the War Drum!
Arise all men of heart!
The time to fight has now come.
Time to do our part.
The politicians balk.
They lack manly spine.
Time is done for talk.
Time to drink the war god’s wine.
Raise up the righteous war cry!
Roar deep for the enemy’s ear.
Tell them they will soon die,
They know us…and they fear.
Sharpen your battle knives.
All weapons clean and ready.
If we must, we’ll give our lives.
Our resolve is sure and steady.
The War Drum beats and our hearts hear.
Fighting men answer the call.
We are warriors and know not fear.
We will not let our nation fall.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Keep alive the wild inside,
Your primitive appetites.
Beneath evolved veneer they hide,
Coming out on dream-filled nights.
Close your eyes and you will see,
Lurking deep within your soul,
Instincts that let you be
A human animal whole.
Imbedded in your genes.
Beneath the surface lurking.
From life’s primordial scenes.
You can feel the urges working.
They are the core of what you are.
The fertile soil that grew your mind.
Humankind has come very far,
But the beast was not left behind.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Whisper the names of God to me.
I’ll speak to Him if I can.
I will ask what we are meant to be,
We are who are called Man.
Why are we alive here on this Earth?
I know there is a reason.
Why do mothers endure the pain of birth
To bring us into season?
I will ask Him what we have to do
To become a better creature.
We would all try if only we knew,
And God is an excellent teacher.
Are we meant to be divine?
Can we become gods too?
Is our part in the Grand Design
To create Divinity anew?
Tell me all God’s names.
I will beg for His direction.
And that He light His Wisdom’s flames,
To guide us to Perfection.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Silence is my teacher now.
I’ve found words do not suffice.
I’ll let the quiet show me how
To be a man who’s free of vice.
I’ll send my mind off to a star,
One burning deep inside,
To discover what the real truths are,
The ones that our words hide.
I’ll stay very still.
Wait for thoughts to enter.
Come into me what will,
And take root in my center.
Wise spirits will caress me,
Leaving knowledge when they go.
With wisdom they will bless me.
Then perhaps myself I’ll know.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I’ve been three days lying in this trench,
Wet and cold and tired.
Inhaling rough death’s horrid stench,
Counting every bullet fired.
They come at us with every dawn,
Hundreds in the wave.
We fight hard until they’re gone.
They are enemy…..but brave.
In front of me there’s a man I shot.
He took a damned long time to die.
I pretend I’m hard, but I’m really not.
I couldn’t stand to hear him cry.
Piled one on another in the mud.
How many did I fell?
The ground around them red with blood.
It must look like this in Hell.
I’ve been hit, but I want the pain.
If I sleep they might sneak in.
I can’t hear them with this rain.
Tonight they’ll come again.
A mortar tube just popped.
Rounds in our perimeter bursting.
This time will they be stopped?
Or will our blood slake Death’s thirsting?
Here comes one charging toward me.
That bayonet looks long.
Please, my angel, guard me.
Keep my courage strong.
I dig my face into the earth,
But when I raise my head,
One of us, both loved at birth,
Will on this day be dead.
I’ve killed so much my soul is sick.
God make him turn away!
Or at least let fate’s choice be quick.
Then I’ll kill no more today.
By Carl Martin Johnson
The word is somewhere here around.
I caught a glimpse just now.
It’s trying hard not to be found,
But I will figure how.
My line was near completed.
It would have made a rhyme.
Of a sudden the word deleted,
A single letter at a time.
Would have been a lovely verse,
Cadence, depth and flow.
Could be better, could be worse.
Now I may never know.
It was a verb that touched the soul.
Or it may have been a noun.
It escaped from my control,
And my smile became a frown.
But it cannot hide for long.
My hunt will never cease.
I will have it in my song
And create a masterpiece.
By Carl Martin Johnson
He had ridden into the badland
On a horse without a name.
Back home was now a sadland.
He had himself to blame.
She had been gone for years.
Left for a man without a gun.
No one ever saw his tears,
Or knew the damage done.
Outlaws he still chased
Across the Texas clay.
But the fight he now faced
Would be his end today.
Quanah led the Comanche band,
And his spear was not forgiving.
The lawman would make a stand,
Then he would stop living.
The red sun was rising.
All night he had ridden hard.
The dark had been disguising.
Had acted as his rearguard.
Over his shoulder he saw them gaining.
His mount was nearly done.
Not much time remaining.
He knew his race was run.
Time to sing his death song.
He turned his horse and stood.
He knew he would not live long.
Desperation would do no good.
The first arrow hit his hand.
Soon others felled his mare.
This was not the death he’d planned,
But it was a death that he would bear.
By Carl Martin Johnson
My mind and soul are ready.
“Death where is thy sting?”
I will look into Death’s eyes steady,
Anticipating what He will bring.
I see adventure, not the end.
Countless before me the bridge have crossed.
In that cohort I have many friends,
So, I know I won’t get lost.
I may find death only the first gate.
Others beyond it lying.
It is not long I have to wait.
The only cost to know is dying.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Whispers carried by the wind
Spread secrets all around.
To enemy and friend
With less than a fluttering butterfly’s sound.
Feel them brushing past your ears.
Try to catch those about you.
Find if you’ve caused someone tears.
Someone who can’t live without you.
Or words of a lover hidden from you
You make out floating on the breeze.
Her sonnets to another overcome you,
Bringing you desolate to your knees.
Then you hear a small child’s prayer,
Innocent and pure.
It freshens the evening air,
And you know you will endure.