Carl Martin Johnson
Poet, Author, Slayer of Dragons
LOVE SONG Poetry -- "Men and Women in Lust and Love - Poems of Love, Lust, Romance, and Heartbreak"
© Carl Martin Johnson, All rights reserved
By Carl Martin Johnson
Mix your words with mine.
There is poetry in your heart.
Our verse will be divine,
Better united than apart.
By Carl Martin Johnson
There is a love I have not met
Who will set afire my soul,
Whose fervent kiss I’ll not forget,
Whose embrace will not grow cold.
We will dance beneath the golden moon
To music no others hear,
Whirl soft as stars play a silent tune,
And angels our love cheer.
The watching universe will smile
At our passion fiery pure.
Devotion with lust we’ll reconcile
To make our love endure.
I smell its fragrance in the air.
This love is on the way.
Flying through the sky somewhere,
Toward my heart to stay.
By Carl Martin Johnson
If we kiss, will then you tell?
Will whispered words betray me?
While true now you wish me well,
You may later seek to slay me.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I am holding back the dawn.
No new day will break through.
Life cannot move on
Until I’m back with you.
Under night’s black cloak I’ll hide.
No light will warm my heart
Before I am by your side,
Never more to part.
Then I’ll release the sun,
Let it set afire the sky.
Melt two souls into one
With love that cannot die.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Be my friend and I’ll protect you.
I will keep you safe from harm.
Never will I neglect you.
I’ll be your strong right arm.
I’ll wipe away your tears,
Help you endure life’s pain,
Stand with you through all fears.
Not once will I complain.
When you’re down I will cheer you,
Put a bright smile on your face.
If you let me, I’ll stay near you,
Or meet you anyplace.
And when at last we part,
Our affection will endure.
Forever in each heart,
Will our friendship be secure.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Starlight sparkled in her eyes
When she held me with her gaze.
Every kiss was a surprise
That stoked love’s fiery blaze.
We thought love would never end.
Our passion was so strong.
She was my lover and my friend.
Nothing could go wrong.
Along the way the flame grew dim.
It flickered, then it died.
The great love we all seek
Could not be satisfied.
I pray our love returns,
And again our hearts are one,
That our passion once more burns
Before our life is done.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Come in from the cold.
It’s warm inside my heart.
I have love untold,
And I offer you a part.
I’ll make your spirit glow,
Bring a bright smile to your face,
Let your body know
The zeal of my embrace.
Should you wish to stay,
I will welcome you forever,
Pray you’ll never go away,
And I will leave you never.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I left while you were sleeping.
I did not want to wake you.
There’s a promise I’ll be keeping,
But I will not forsake you.
I knew that you would cry,
And I could not bear the sight.
I’ve tried hard to tell you why
My honor makes me fight.
You’ll be sad, I know,
But you’d not love a coward.
You always knew when called I’d go,
Or our love would not have flowered.
Look for me in the dawn
When the fighting’s done.
I’ll return to carry on
The love that we’ve begun.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Celebrate this breath with me,
For you are breathing, too.
If it’s the last before eternity,
We will have had our due.
For now rejoice to be alive,
And eat life bite by bite.
Let’s do more than just survive
Until our souls take flight.
The same world and time we share
While we both are living.
Allies in each other’s care,
Partners in life’s giving.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Between pages of the book
Hid petals firmly pressed,
And a faded photo someone took,
For a memory she blessed.
She’d forgotten the boy’s name.
He’d left town years ago.
But she’d loved him just the same,
As far as young loves go.
There was sparkle in her eyes,
Eyes that had grown dim.
Now old age was her disguise.
She supposed the same of him.
Memory gave life to the flower.
In her heart love bloomed again.
But she could not bring back the hour
Of splendor that had been.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Walk softly past my window.
Don’t wake me from my sleep.
Dreams are the only life I know.
In their kind arms I keep.
Waking would bring sadness,
Harsh memories to my heart,
That thrust me toward madness,
And tear my soul apart.
So leave me to my sleeping.
Only then do I find peace.
In slumber my life’s keeping
Only there does my pain cease.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Hold me very near.
Chase away the shadows.
Take away my fear.
Give my tired soul repose
Life is a heavy weight.
One you must help me bear.
I can accept my fate,
As long as you are there.
And I will be your knight,
Your faithful sword and lance,
Your champion in the fight,
Your partner in life’s dance.
By Carl Martin Johnson
We must love each other.
Life’s too short to hate.
Be my sister or my brother.
We all share a mortal’s fate.
Should anger scar our heart,
Let us hold it in,
Lest words drive friends apart,
Then neither of us win.
When we breathe our last,
Only love endures.
That which we’ve amassed
The pain of dying cures.
And on the far side of the veil,
The Greatest Love will greet us.
That love will never fail.
That love will complete us.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I have blue skies in my mind.
Only blue skies do I see.
Only happiness I find,
Now I know that you love me.
You have driven out dark storm.
You let in the golden sun.
Because of you, I fear no harm.
My battle has been won.
And if to paradise I rise,
If God permits me there,
The bliss will come as no surprise,
After knowing love so fair.
By Carl Martin Johnson -
We are dancing in the dark.
We must go much higher.
Yes, we have the spark.
Now let’s light the fire.
By Carl Martin Johnson
My lips touch soft your burning skin.
Your heat ignites my fire.
Lead me, my lover, into sin.
Come with me to desire.
See my body as it responds,
Signals that I want you.
I loose all inhibition's bonds.
I swear I will not taunt you.
Let us our hungry loins unite,
To make our love complete.
We’ll create a bonfire in the night,
Blazing to our passion’s beat.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Let me worship with my lips.
You will feel my moist tongue pray,
Tasting your beauty in slow sips
Until you beg for me to stay.
You will my every kiss endure,
‘Til fiery passion drives you wild.
Though the love we have is pure,
It has bred lustful Eros’ child.
And when our ardent play is done,
Then my kisses will grow tender.
Our two bodies joined as one,
Intertwined in sweet surrender.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Speak softly lest you wake him.
Let passion’s dragon sleep.
Once started you’ll not brake him.
His claws dig in too deep.
He feeds on your desire.
Your ardor makes him strong.
In the hot blaze of his fire
Melt together right and wrong.
Let the heat of love rise slowly.
Day by day increase the flame.
Combine the profane with the holy,
Then the dragon you will tame.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Let me share a smile with you,
Though I don’t yet know your name.
I’m certain this at least is true:
We’re both players in Life’s game.
You laugh and cry like me.
If wounded, you too bleed.
As far as I can see,
Love is a common need.
So take this smile for now,
As first payment from a friend.
Then, if you allow,
My affection I will send.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I write to touch your heart.
My words are not for me.
My verses are not art,
Simply whirlpools on Life’s sea.
By Carl Martin Johnson
It’s not magic moves the stars around,
Or sends the autumn leaves flying,
Or makes the winter storm wind sound
Like folks were out there dying.
But it’s magic sparks my dear love’s eyes,
And sings her sighs soft sweet,
Filling my heart with bright surprise
Whenever our lips meet.
Her perfumed breath enchants me,
Sets aflame my passion’s fire.
Caresses that she grants me,
Fuel white-hot my desire.
Magic is in my darling’s kiss.
Bewitching her embrace.
Pure enchantment is my bliss
When I gaze into my love’s face.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Take care to speak with kindness.
The world has too much hate.
We can injure with our blindness,
And the damage can be great.
If your words cut like a knife,
Take heed the wound’s not deep.
They may not take a life,
Yet the hurtful scar will keep.
Rather use them like a kiss,
To relieve another’s pain,
And spread the soothing bliss
That loving words contain.
By Carl Martin Johnson
There was no sight in Polly’s eyes.
They’d been dark since birth.
She could not see a man’s disguise,
But learned to feel his worth.
She met a man she loved so much,
Who treated her with care.
She sensed, but could not feel, his touch.
Still, she knew when he was there.
Many men had torn her heart.
She’d been used and cast aside.
They would kiss and soon depart,
Trampling cruelly on her pride.
This time she was certain,
Though he could not say a word.
From behind her blindness’ curtain,
Unspoken tenderness she heard.
And of all the men she’d known,
This man she loved the most.
Through her soul’s eyes she was shown
That she could love a ghost.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I want your body on me.
I need to feel your touch.
Our inhibitions gone free.
I crave your love so much.
Ignite my ardor with your lips.
Make me burn with passion’s fire.
I’ll drink your lust in gentle sips,
Adding fuel to desire.
Run your fingers down my spine.
Convulse in expectation.
My body’s yours, and yours is mine.
Join them in celebration.
When we both are spent,
We’ll sleep in loving arms,
Intoxicated with the scent
Of our drained bodies’ charms.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I search to fill the emptiness
That echoes, hollow, in my soul.
I need to find a love to bless
My life and make it whole.
I am not made to be alone.
I need a muse to inspire me.
A queen to sit on my heart’s throne,
Who will care for and desire me.
Come, dear, make me complete.
Let us travel life as one.
In sweet sacred dreams we’ll meet
And fly together past the sun.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I found Heaven on her lips,
Sweet portals of desire.
I took love in gentle sips
Until passion became fire.
I still recall the cinnamon taste,
The hot and sensuous flavor,
So erotic and yet chaste,
A memory I fondly savor.
Other lovers arouse my lust.
My loins have not been tamed.
But from her kiss only did I combust,
Body and soul inflamed.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Does your body feel the heat?
Is it warming next to mine?
Shall we make our love complete,
Drunk with passion’s wine?
Come and we will flame.
Let the cosmos feel our fire.
We will couple without shame,
Explode with our desire.